Having a Portrait Painted

Initial Enquiries
It's best at first to discuss the process, the timeline and what you would like. I live in Vancouver BC. Please contact me at:  rnyingmapa@gmail.com

Do I have to sit for hours?
No, well not unless you want to.... I prefer to work with at least one sitting for adults of about 2-4 hours during which I draw sketches, plan out the work, take facial measurements and photographs. Additional sittings may be advisable with some subjects, (not unlike a second fitting for a suit or dress). A final sitting may be necessary in order to pay special attention to certain things like glints in the eyes and so on.

Young children’s sittings are best spread out over several dates of about 40 minutes depending on how well they can sit still for sketches, measurements and photos. Usually they can play with toys or clay while I work on their image, or watch a video, or listen to recorded music, or stories, depending on what the parents think will work best.

How much does it cost?
Prices for a portrait will vary depending on what is desired and what kind of framing for the piece is requested. Complexity of image rather than size is the main thing that determines cost... psychedelic paisley shirts with tartan kilts can be artistically challenging. A rough estimate is about $2,000.00 for a painted head and shoulder portrait, although it can be cheaper (or more expensive). A deposit is required once work commences.

I'm often asked about the cost, but here is something to consider: if you would happily spend $40,000+ on a car that lasts perhaps 10 years, why not a small amount on a portrait that will likely last several centuries (and says far more about you in any case)?

How long does it take?
Depending on how often the sitter is available, from beginning to the end you should allow about 2-3 months for the whole process to be completed and framed. If varnishing is desired, a future date about 6 months ahead can be chosen (to allow for deep drying and settling of the paint).

How do you decide it is finished?
The portrait is usually presented for approval (although this might be to people other than the sitter, depending on the terms of the commission). When approval is received the piece can be presented for it's unveiling, if this is desired.

How do I keep track of the progress?
Feel free to ask for digital pictures of the progress whenever you like.